Sooo around the turn of the New Year when 2022 became 2023, I wanted more out of sewing. I guess you could say I felt a bit complacent. I was happy, but growth is good. I don’t view complacency as a bad thing since it fuels growth.

Cue the google searches! And one of the things that I found was the state fair. We live in North Carolina, so I should say, the North Carolina State Fair.

I’d never been to a state fair before and the amount of entry categories was intense! So I signed up for an infant garment sewn by an adult. Straight forward enough, right? …sounds like something up my alley, right?

What did I make?

Well, I wanted to do a really pretty, timeless take on a baby gown. I guess you could call that traditional without any influence from the 80s 😜 And all the supplies for this gown came from farmhouse fabrics.

I wanted an array of whites, creams, pinks, and maybe a little pop of green from a leaf. I know, things were about to get wild and crazy up in my sewing space.

So like any great project, it started with some shadow work embroidery.

And before I knew it, there was a party going on in my sewing space (newly moved to my office… sooo thankful!! 🙌). And, yes, the party contained a pop of green from twoooo leaf clusters. Wild and crazy!

From there, the lace work commenced. I did lace shaping on the yoke… one swoop in the main area of the yoke, two little swoops that branched off, and then one little guy below the neckline.

I basted those bits of lace in place, stood back, and thought… hmm can I add something else without going overboard? And then I grabbed a scrap piece of pink nelona cotton batiste so I could add that to the back of that main swoop…

And I trimmed up the edges of the pink to match the curve of the lace before I took this piece to my sewing machine and applied the hemstitching (those pretty little dots paired with a zigzag motion that solidifies the lace to the fabric).

After all that magic occurs, you have these lovely little dots that smile back at you 😘

In case you’re curious, this is the back of that piece, and that shiny looking thing is the water-soluble stabilizer. It helps in the process

I applied a few pieces of lace on the yoke’s back and then I could switch gears to the skirt. By the way, at this point, things were really flowing and I was having a fabulous (kid-free) time sewing! It’s amazing how much nicer of an experience doing these fine projects is without a baby strapped to your body, ha! …I mean, I’m saying that with all the love for my kiddos 🤪

For the skirt, I took this intertwined design and ran with it!

The skirt also has shadow work embroidery on it …did I mention I was having a party in my sewing room? “You get some shadow embroidery, you get some shadow embroidery! Everyone gets some shadow embroidery!” Too much? 🤷‍♀️ You should see my Friday evenings! 🥳😴😅

To tidy up those lace bits, I did a very small zigzag (attempting) to follow the curves around those leaves.

Finally, I added some more of that pink nelona cotton batiste so the same shadow effect could be applied

And there was the front of the skirt 😍

It’s amazing having some space (that isn’t on the floor) and baby-free time to sew. I’m really, really grateful for this next chapter that we’ve gotten to in life. Sure, I loved the baby years, but I’m also really thankful that babies grow up quickly (ish). Honestly, it didn’t feel that quick from my perspective, but whatev, maybe that’s just me? 🤷‍♀️

So my finished dress…

oooh yeah.. minor detail, but, this dress won best in show 😳 I know! you can watch the full story of how this garment was created in this video.

I put together a video tutorial (in retrospect…) in case y’all wanted to make your own. I hope it’s helpful! Here is a tissue-printed copy of the pattern as well as a pdf download.

all this to say…
branch out, try new things, and enjoy the journey! ❤️

One thought on “the north carolina state fair 2023

  1. How wonderful, congratulations!! Can’t say I’m surprised, that dress is amazing. Now that your babies aren’t babies, who will wear that spectacular dress? P.S. the links to the patterns don’t seem to be working.


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