lining a bishop! πŸ₯³

That's right! You can line a bishop! So there's a couple of methods for doing this, and I've shown a fully-lined version for this winter bishop. But what if you don't want a fully lined version? It's summer time or just not the vibe that you're going for? Well, then just do a little collar!…

labor day funnnn!

We finally did it!! Okay, lemme explain. About two years ago, we bought an old charter bus with the dream of turning it into our family rv. It's been an on-going project in the background, we'll do one day a week here or there, if all the stars aline πŸ˜…πŸ€žAnd we've taken a handful of…

fall favorites! πŸ‚

The cool, crisp air of fall is starting to roll in here in the smoky mountains πŸ₯³ So what are some easy ways you can dive into fall sewing? Well, I'd recommend floche braids in all the jewel tones. You can smock with them as well as do a variety of different embroidery styles. I…

my favorite stain-remover!! πŸ₯³

I've been using this treasurer for over 10 years now and I've personally removed dry erase marker, grass, dirt, blood, ink, pencil, and flower goo (I think the technical name would be pollen). It's amazing. I was just remind of this product since I used it on Everly's 2nd birthday dress. See that orange spot…